
Des Moines Mutual Aid Anti-war Actions

In January 2020, Des Moines Mutual Aid participated in a march protesting the potential for war or increased hostilities with Iran that followed the fallout of the assassination of Qassem Soleimani by drone strike in Baghdad. That was an example of the principle to think globally, act locally. January 3, 2024 Now there is the tragic…

Peace on Earth?

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14 I am deeply distressed by the dichotomy between ‘peace on earth, good will toward men’ and the blatant opposition to that by the forces of global dominance. I cannot fathom the massacre in Gaza and the silence of the…

The second question

What questions do you ask these days? Ask yourself or others? Are you brave enough to ask anything at all? Such as what can we do about accelerating authoritarianism? Runaway global burning? Why is the US complicit in the Israeli carpet bombing of Gaza? These things can only happen if authority is not questioned. There…

Upskilling for an Uncertain Future

How do you see the future? Do you try to avoid thinking about it at all? Yesterday, I wrote Rethinking the Hero’s Journey, based on the article, “White men’s roles in anti-racism work: Rethinking the Hero’s Journey,” on the Healing Minnesota Stories blog site. Because it resonated with what I’ve learned about working for peace…


A taboo against a subject or activity is a social custom to avoid doing that activity or talking about that subject, because people find them embarrassing or offensive. Yesterday I wrote about umair haque’s new publication, the Issue. And began discussing the latest issue (of the Issue): Our Civilization’s Melting Down—But We’re Not Allowed to Talk About…


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