Mutual Aid

The Silence of the Damned

The Silence of the Damned is the title of an article written by Chris Hedges yesterday. It is devastating reading. The title says it all. Here are a few excerpts. Robert Jay Lifton in his book “The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide” writes that “genocidal projects require the active participation of…

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Des Moines Mutual Aid Anti-war Actions

In January 2020, Des Moines Mutual Aid participated in a march protesting the potential for war or increased hostilities with Iran that followed the fallout of the assassination of Qassem Soleimani by drone strike in Baghdad. That was an example of the principle to think globally, act locally. January 3, 2024 Now there is the tragic…

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Vision Quest

As a new year begins We are facing unprecedented challenges. Meaning we need to find new paths. Ancestors Spirituality Comfortable Collapse It is clear the world we grew up in is no longer. The environment is rapidly becoming increasingly chaotic. Economic and political systems are failing. Physical and social infrastructure is breaking down. Centralized systems…

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When I was hungry, you gave me food

The Making of a Spiritual Anarchist I recently came across a series of articles by Barnabas Smith on titled The Making of a Spiritual Anarchist. One of them was When I Was Hungry, You Gave Me Food. The phrase below, “after my time on the bench,” relates to Barnabas’ punishment for not getting good…

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Solidarity with Palestine

What do you think about what is happening in the Middle East? The mainstream media is siding with Israel. The narrative is anything Israel does is justified in response to the horrific attacks by Hamas on October 7. Ignoring 75 years of oppression by Israel against the Palestinian people. Ignoring that Hamas is separate from…

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The second question

What questions do you ask these days? Ask yourself or others? Are you brave enough to ask anything at all? Such as what can we do about accelerating authoritarianism? Runaway global burning? Why is the US complicit in the Israeli carpet bombing of Gaza? These things can only happen if authority is not questioned. There…

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